Thursday, May 20, 2004

A new beginning

Well not really new, since new beginning would imply an old beginning, which doesn't exist. So let's just say "A beginning" and call it good.

Not really sure what to do with this whole BLOG thing, most people just seem to kind of randomly rant about miscellaneous subjects. Well I think I can randomly rant with the best of them, so let's give it a go shall we?

Dude at my office (let's just call him RandomB) is really bugging me today. He is one of these people who must be poking his head into your office every 30 seconds or so, "Are you done yet?" I'd really like to put a really powerful spring on the door and set it up so that there is almost no resistance when opening the door, until you push past a certain point, at which time the door quickly rebounds at your head.

Does anyone care at all whether Democrats or Republicans win the presidential race? The only real difference between the two as far as I can tell is that the Democrats want to directly take (tax) our money from us so they can spend it as they see fit, whereas the Republicans prefer to let their monolithic corporate buddies (hello Qwest, MCI, Enron, MPAA and RIAA) screw us out of our money so they can spend it as they see fit.

Well I think that's enough to call this a beginning.


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